32 Amazing Facts About Science and Technology 2024

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Amazing Facts About Science and Technology
Amazing Facts About Science and Technology

Amazing Facts About Science and Technology

Amazing Facts About Science and Technology: In this article we will tell you about very interesting and unbelievable facts of science. You will learn science facts about animals, humans, world, and space.

Amazing Facts About Science and Technology
Amazing Facts About Science and Technology
  1. Laser light rays can be diverted with the help of water.
  2. Earth’s crust ends at 70000 meters.
  3. If we travel at the speed of light, then we will reach the moon in 1.28 seconds.
  4. The tallest tree on earth has a height of 115 meters.
  5. Wild geese fly at an altitude of 10000 meters above Mount Everest.
  6. Bow-head Whale lives for 200 years.
  7. 5 snakes are found every 1 square meter in snake island Brazil.
  8. Facebook shows that any two users are only 4.74 contacts away from each other.
  9. A cockroach can live for a few weeks without the head.
  10. iPhone, Harry Potter Book, and Rubik’s Cube are the most selling products.
  11. When a banana grows, its size becomes curved to reach sunlight.
  12. The name of the blue bird in the Twitter logo is Larry.
  13. When you are fat or thin, the body’s fat cells change their shape rather than disappear.
Amazing Facts About Science and Technology

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