How to Get Synthetic Monitoring to Work in New Relic 2024

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How to Get Synthetic Monitoring to Work in New Relic

How to Get Synthetic Monitoring to Work in New Relic

How to Get Synthetic Monitoring to Work in New Relic: In today’s digital landscape, it is crucial for businesses to ensure optimal performance and availability of their web applications. Synthetic monitoring is a valuable technique that allows organizations to proactively monitor their application’s performance and detect issues before they impact real users. New Relic, a leading application performance monitoring (APM) tool, offers synthetic monitoring capabilities to help businesses achieve this goal. In this article, we will explore how to get synthetic monitoring to work in New Relic, step by step.

Understanding Synthetic Monitoring

Synthetic monitoring, also known as proactive monitoring, involves simulating user interactions with a web application to monitor its performance. By generating synthetic transactions from various locations, synthetic monitoring provides insights into the application’s availability, response time, and functionality. It helps organizations identify performance bottlenecks, server errors, or other issues that may affect the user experience.

Benefits of Synthetic Monitoring in New Relic

Implementing synthetic monitoring in New Relic offers several benefits:

  • Proactive Issue Detection: Synthetic monitoring enables early detection of performance issues and errors, allowing organizations to address them before they impact real users.
  • Improved User Experience: By monitoring critical user journeys, synthetic monitoring helps ensure a smooth and seamless user experience.
  • Benchmarking and SLA Compliance: Synthetic monitoring allows businesses to set performance benchmarks and track compliance with service level agreements (SLAs).
  • Geographical Insights: With synthetic monitoring, organizations can assess their application’s performance from different geographical locations, gaining valuable insights into regional variations.

Setting Up Synthetic Monitoring in New Relic

To get synthetic monitoring to work in New Relic, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to New Relic: Access your New Relic account using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to Synthetics: In the New Relic dashboard, locate the Synthetics section and click on it.
  3. Create a Monitor: Click on the “New Monitor” button to create a new synthetic monitor.
  4. Select Monitor Type: Choose the appropriate monitor type based on your requirements, such as Ping, Simple Browser, or Scripted Browser.
  5. Configure Monitor Settings: Provide relevant details, including the monitor name, URL, and desired check frequency.
  6. Specify Locations: Select the geographic locations from which you want to monitor your application.
  7. Set Alert Conditions: Define the conditions that trigger alerts, such as response time thresholds or error rates.
  8. Save and Activate: Review the monitor settings and save your configuration. Activate the monitor to start synthetic monitoring.

Configuring Monitor Scripts

For Scripted Browser monitors, you can configure monitor scripts to simulate user interactions. Follow these steps to configure monitor scripts:

  1. Open Script Editor: Access the Script Editor within the monitor configuration.
  2. Record User Interactions: Use the Script Editor to record the desired user interactions, such as page navigation, form submissions, or button clicks.
  3. Enhance Script Logic: Customize the script byadding validations, assertions, or additional steps to mimic real user behavior accurately.
  4. Parameterize Scripts: If necessary, parameterize the scripts to test different scenarios or input values dynamically.
  5. Save and Validate: Save the script and validate its functionality to ensure accurate monitoring.

Analyzing Synthetic Monitoring Results

Once synthetic monitoring is active, you can analyze the results to gain insights into your application’s performance. In New Relic, you can access detailed reports, charts, and metrics related to response times, availability, and error rates. Use this data to identify trends, patterns, or anomalies that require attention. Leverage the powerful visualization capabilities of New Relic to interpret the monitoring results effectively.

Troubleshooting Synthetic Monitoring Issues

In case you encounter issues with synthetic monitoring in New Relic, consider the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Check Monitor Configuration: Ensure that the monitor settings and scripts are correctly configured.
  • Review Alert Settings: Verify that the alert conditions are set appropriately and check if the notification channels are configured correctly.
  • Inspect Application Environment: Assess the application’s environment for any changes or updates that may affect the monitoring.
  • Monitor Script Debugging: If there are issues with the monitor script, review and debug the script logic to identify any errors or inconsistencies.
  • Review New Relic Documentation: Consult the New Relic documentation and knowledge base for specific guidance on troubleshooting synthetic monitoring issues.

Best Practices for Effective Synthetic Monitoring

To make the most of synthetic monitoring in New Relic, consider the following best practices:

  • Define Relevant User Journeys: Identify critical user journeys or transactions that reflect the core functionality of your application. Monitor these journeys to ensure a positive user experience.
  • Regularly Review and Adjust Alert Conditions: Keep a close eye on your alert conditions and adjust them periodically based on the changing needs of your application and users.
  • Monitor from Various Locations: Configure synthetic monitors from different geographic locations to gain a comprehensive view of your application’s performance across different regions.
  • Perform Regular Script Maintenance: Regularly review and update your monitor scripts to accommodate any changes in your application’s UI or functionality.
  • Leverage Integration with Real User Monitoring: Combine synthetic monitoring with real user monitoring (RUM) to gain a holistic understanding of your application’s performance, both from simulated transactions and actual user interactions.

Integrating Synthetic Monitoring with Real User Monitoring

Integrating synthetic monitoring with real user monitoring provides a comprehensive view of your application’s performance. While synthetic monitoring simulates user interactions, real user monitoring captures data from actual users visiting your application. By correlating data from both types of monitoring, you can gain deeper insights into the user experience, identify performance issues, and prioritize optimizations.

FAQs On How to Get Synthetic Monitoring to Work in New Relic

What is Synthetic monitoring in New Relic?

Synthetic monitoring in New Relic is a proactive monitoring technique that simulates user interactions with a web application to measure performance, detect issues, and ensure a positive user experience.

How do you monitor the performance of a New Relic?

To monitor the performance of an application in New Relic, set up monitoring agents, configure instrumentation, and use New Relic’s APM tools to collect and analyze data on response times, errors, database queries, and more.

How does Synthetic monitoring work?

Synthetic monitoring works by simulating user interactions with a web application from various locations, providing insights into performance, availability, and functionality, helping to proactively identify issues before they impact real users.

How do I disable Synthetic monitoring on New Relic?

To disable synthetic monitoring on New Relic, go to the Synthetics section, select the desired monitor, and deactivate it by adjusting the monitor settings.

How do you set up synthetic monitoring?

To set up synthetic monitoring, access your New Relic account, navigate to the Synthetics section, and create a new monitor by specifying the monitor type, settings, locations, and alert conditions.

Video Credit: New Relic


Implementing synthetic monitoring in New Relic is a valuable strategy for proactively monitoring your web application’s performance. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can successfully set up synthetic monitoring, configure monitor scripts, and analyze the monitoring results. Remember to leverage best practices, troubleshoot any issues, and integrate synthetic monitoring with real user monitoring for comprehensive insights. With New Relic’s synthetic monitoring capabilities, you can ensure optimal user experiences and identify performance bottlenecks to deliver high-quality applications.

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